Friday, 23 March 2012

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!

Seachtain na Gaeilge sa Scoil.

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl an tseachtain seo caite agus ghlac Scoil Phádraig Naofa (shoisir) páirt le imeachaí gach lá. Bhí gach duine ag labhairt Gaeilge! Of course Gaeilge is heard in every room in St.Patrick's JNS every day througout the year, but during Seachtain na Gaeilge staff and pupils put a special emphasis on using Irish as much as possible. Seachtain na Gaeilge always takes place the week before St. Patrick's Day - a very special celebration for our school - so pupils of the school took part in a wide range of extra activities during the week. 

 The sound of Irish traditional music was everywhere this week. Pupils from St. Patrick's SNS came back to us and played traditional music for our pupils. Our pupils then returned the compliment with some of the tunes they had been practising. Pupils from the Community College played for first and second classes in the halla and answered children's questions about traditional music and their musical instruments.  Every class had a lively, engaging and enjoyable set dancing lesson with Mrs. Mary Keane. Green, White and Orange was visible everywhere as St. Patrick's day art was made and displayed in every classroom. 

Fun Walk

On Friday the children, parents and teachers braved inclement weather and completed the fun walk in the rain. All involved enjoyed the walk, proving that there is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing. After their walk children had a fruit snack kindly provided by the Parents' Association. 
Tinól Lá 'le Pádraig

Our St. Patrick's Day assembly brought this fantastic week to a close as each class performed a song or a poem, played a tune or danced a dance.

Many thanks to parents, teachers and all our friends and supporters in the community who made all these extra activities possible and helped to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge, a very special week in the life of our school.  

Mrs. McLoughlin Retires.

The pupils, teachers, parents and Board of Management of St. Patrick’s JNS came together on Wednesday the 29th of February last for a very special assembly in celebration of the occasion of the retirement of Ms. Emer McLoughlin from the school.
Mrs. Bowe spoke about Ms. McLoughlin and how much she has contributed to the life of the school. She spoke about Ms. McLoughlin’s hard work and dedication, her commitment to the pupils of our school and to her colleagues, and her extraordinary knowledge of all aspects of teaching.  Mrs. Bowe then spoke about the new adventures which Mrs. McLoughlin will have as she starts this new stage of her life.

A PowerPoint presentation from the Green School Committee recalled all the work co-ordinated by Ms. McLoughlin which led to each of our first three Green Flags, and Ms. McLoughlin was delighted to be able to formally announce that we have been awarded our fourth Green Flag. Ms. Sandra Flavin from An Taisce (which co-ordinates the Green Schools Awards nationwide) presented Ms. McLoughlin with a cyclist’s kit.

Each class group sang a song for Ms. McLoughlin. Junior Infants sang “I’m being eaten by a Boa Constrictor”, Senior Infants sang “A Caring Day”, First Class sang a specially adapted version of “What Makes You Beautiful” and Second Class sang a new version of “Cailín na Gaillimhe” for our very own Galway Girl. The Teachers then sang a specially adapted version of “The Safe Cross Code”.

Ms. McLoughlin was presented with a huge card signed by all the children of the school and Mr. McGovern was present to wish her a very happy retirement on behalf of the Board of Management.
Finally, two pupils from the Senior School presented Ms. McLoughlin with a beautiful bouquet of flowers on behalf of all the pupils and teachers in their school. 

Ms. McLoughlin will be remembered for always putting the needs of the child first, for her attention to detail, for the professional approach she took to her job and her unwavering support of her colleagues throughout her long career. She was a good friend to all her colleagues, who wish to take one last opportunity to wish her a long, happy and fruitful retirement. Go n-éirí go geal leat, a Emer!